
General Information: Chris Reyes:,                    James Howarth:                                                          Bequi Howarth:,

Volunteer Coordinator: Amanda Garcia:

11 responses to “Contacts

  1. Hi,
    Can I buy tickets on site at UCI when we arrive


  2. If I paid with a credit card, will i get a confirmation via email?

  3. How can I go about finding the date, time, price and location for the 2015 Orange County Mini Maker Faire? I have a flyer and I only see 2013 on the website.

  4. Can I leave and come back without being charged for a second ticket?

  5. Bringing my large robot (Trackroamer) as part of RSSC participation – before you had a note that those who bring large robots capable of driving through the gate on their own power are getting a free pass – still valid? 🙂

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